Dec 312008

Maybe Jimi Hendrix can sell stuff now, too?


  12 Responses to “This is kinda creepy”

  1. It’s time to bring back a virtual George Harrison to sing All Things Must Pass for Ex-Lax.

  2. It was actually Paul who was into 3rd world mobile computing before John got into it.

  3. saturnismine

    good one, andyr.

    the voice in that ad is a lousy john lennon impersonation and the words barely match the movement of his lips.

    what a piece of crap.

  4. alexmagic

    I was really hoping that it would turn out to be Ron Nasty. This spot is effective, though, because I’m going to buy a third world child a laptop today, because he or she will almost certainly be better at digitally manipulating footage of dead people with a day or two of practice.

    Did anybody see the commercial that was in rotation last month using “Only People” off Mind Games? They’re going into the deep tracks now!

  5. BigSteve

    All we are saying is Give PCs a Chance.

  6. hrrundivbakshi

    Honestly, who green-lighted this completely retarded concept? This is a loser on all fronts: oldsters will be offended by the plundering of John’s iconic reputation, and youngsters will laugh at the hack technology job. I mean, why not just do something like this — you’d achieve the same effect for a lot less money:

  7. saturnismine

    was yoko okay with this? doesn’t she have pretty tight control over the use of his image?

    alex is right: they should have used the film from ron nasty’s “all I said is that we were bigger than rod…now all this has to happen” press conference.

  8. alexmagic

    Maybe Yoko did this herself. She is an artist, after all, and this could be her first foray in to digital arts. In 2009, we can look forward to her adventures into Photoshop with the launch of

  9. mockcarr

    I was wondering what that voice actor from Yellow Submarine was doing with himself for all these years.

    Well, not actually.

    I wonder if they’re gonna give those kids a place to plug the laptops in so they’re charged enough to use.

  10. 2000 Man

    You can read all about it here:

    It’s about as interesting as the ad itself, though. I think the voice is just a computer that used tape fo John talking to create his “voice.” The only application I can see for that would be to sell answering machine recordings.

    “Hi, this is John. 2000 Man can’t get to the phone because he’s out giving peace a chance. Please leave a message after the tone.”

    I’m holding out for the Lester Bangs version.

  11. dbuskirk

    Glad to see computers have gotten no closer to re-creating “character”. His voice sounds phony from the get-go and all the gestures seem false as well. I was closer to being fooled in those old Beatles cartoons. I’m surprised Yoko would’ve signed off on this but it is for charity I guess.

    If John is out there in the ether somewhere I hope he has better things to think about than laptops.

  12. general slocum

    There was a video of Eugene V. Debs, father of American labor and noted socialist, just muttering, “I was wrong. So wrong. How could I have been so wrong, &c.” It was created as a flash animation by a fifteen year old ADD sufferer on the lear jet that brought GM CEO Rick Wagoner to DC, and was shown before congress. Wagoner said, “Oops! That isn’t my powerpoint presentation! How’d that get on there?” He seemed unaware that America’s legislators were all saying, “That’s TOtally not how he talked. The accent is all wrong, and I’m pretty sure that image was actually ‘Coach’ from the Cheers TV show.”

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