I realize that this has only a loose connection to rock but given the musician-father and the recent Clemen’s discussion… That and my incredible moral indignation requires me to post this:

Can you believe this?! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! I learned about this story yesterday and immediately went on a frantic web search to try and uncover as many of these despicable photos as possible. The search turned up THIS!

Good Lord! Unbelievable. With both of these images open on my 24″ computer monitor I remained ENGORGED IN OUTRAGE for a good four minutes.
This morning I felt the OUTRAGE building again and was even more determined to unearth additional OUTRAGEOUS images of this pure, delicate flower at the earliest stages of blooming. I found THESE!

I’m disappointed. These two this morning are indeed OUTRAGEOUS but not as much as the ones from yesterday and hence am having difficulty maintaining my outrage. So, I’m asking any and all to help me in my crusade. If you know of any OUTRAGEOUS pictures of Miley Cyrus please email them to me ASAP!
Coincidence or not? When I clicked on the “Read more” link to view, er, read the rest of this post, the Country Life album cover excerpt showed up in the rotating images on the banner.
Whatever becomes of this post, let’s leave images of Billy Ray’s mullet out of it, all right?
i outraged myself to these photos as well
Townsman Shawn, that was funny!