Jan 252007
Submitted by Townsman A-Dogg.
I’m finding, since the front page content doesn’t change that often, that the best way to keep in touch with the day’s comments is to hit the Last comments link on the sidebar. This may be the best way for people from the old list to get into the flow and keep content and discussion fresh.
I say:
Townsman, we thank you for this helpful tip.
Brilliant! You’ve taught The Back Office a new trick.
I’d second that, but add a request for RTH V2.0: in order to further facilitate the rough-and-tumble back and forth that made the old RTH so much fun — can’t we make it possible for folks to respond directly to comments made without having to backtrack to the original source material/page? Just a suggestion/request. In general, this is growing on me.
We want to be able to offer “comments on comments” which is what I think you’re talking about. Currently the software doesn’t support that but we’ve been told that it is being worked on. It makes complete sense in a forum like this to have that feature so as soon we can, it will be incorporated.
Thank you for your attention.
The Back Office
What The Back Office said. We can’t wait for that day, and my sense is, that day will eventually come.
Glad to hear you’re warming up to the new scene. We’ve got The People to make it work.
I got a big beef with this site, though I suspect the answer to my problem will be staring me in the face and I’ll feel commensurately embarassed about it. My beef is: where are the simple instructions for making a “virgin” post — i.e., starting a thread, rather than commenting back on somebody else’s kaka? How do I do this, and why can’t I find instructions for doing it on this site of ours? I have a *vitally important* thread I want to start, but I don’t know how!
Go to Admin under Misc, but it loaded very slowly for me.
Fritz wrote:
Fritz, take a laxative! You were just granted blogger privileges. We don’t have a description for how that works up on the public parts of the site for everyone, because not everyone has a key to the Back Office. So, you could have asked me offlist.
I’ve taken time both here and on the old site to give people a rundown on how this works. Specifically, if you log into the Back Office and can’t figure out what to do, we’ll take some time offlist. You are able to draft thread-starting posts in there. I’ll “publish” them. Just chill for a second, though, as would be suggested with all new activities/tools. And please note that I’m chiding you publicly because I always assumed that you were much more of a technilogically savvy guy than I. I’m shocked and disappointed to learn that you get frustrated too.
I could sure use a user’s guide/rosetta stone to the RTH users. There are a bunch of new monikers flying about and I suspect that they’re the same folks from the old list with new aliases and it’s confusing the hell out of me. Years of personality recognition down the drain.
Hey, where is the “last comments” button now?
I often have trouble finding it. It’s right under the ad, always much higher up than I think it’s gonna be.
Correct, Rick. Thanks!
There may be some changes/updates in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.