Aug 292010
I swear this is totally for real:
So, I guess the question is: … what would you call the “song” made by the sound of your ashes popping and crackling under your stereo stylus?
I already claim “On the Whole, I’d Rather Be In Philadelphia.”
I look forward to your responses, sort of.
Well, “Brilliant Mistake” & “Fucking Up” have already been used, so maybe, “(Was It) Something I Said” (I don’t think there’s already a song with that title) might work. At least the initials to my real name are perfect for the vinyl format. So, I’ve got *that* going for me…which is nice.
“It Was All Downhill After I Bought That Damn Jackson Browne Two-fer”
“Quiet Desperation Isn’t Better Than Fading Away Either.”
“Maybe Now You’ll Appreciate the Records I Made When I Was Alive”
Not sure what I would say but I know it would be backward masked.
Good one, Mod! I can guarantee that the records you’re making now will sound better than the sound of a needle crackling and popping over your ashes.
“I Always Wanted to Capture the Sounds My Body Makes On Record… And Now I Have!”
Didn’t a bunch of people already do I’m On Fire?
“Don’t Ashk Me Questions”
You spin me right round / baby, right round / like a record, baby / round round right round.