Dec 042008

Johnny Depp calls dibs on the biopic!

I’ve only heard two songs by these guys, “Amphetamine Blues” and “She’s So Tough,” and I really like both of them. What should I check out next? Is there a good anthology out there or a particular album that stands out?


  2 Responses to “What’s Up with Mink Deville?”

  1. BigSteve

    I was a big fan. The first two Mink DeVille albums, Cabretta and Return Magenta, are terrific, and they’re available as a twofer. Great version of Moon Martin’s Cadillac Walk. (Now Moon Martin, there’s a guy that deserves a revival.)

    After that he kind of went off on a different track that I wasn’t that interested in, though you’ve got to give the guy credit for following his vision. But when it was a New Yawk rock band, they were very cool.

  2. Mr. Moderator

    Whaddayaknow? The Amazon default search browser just defaulted to Mink DeVille!

    Years ago, when he was still in his New Yawk phase, I remember hearing stuff and not being sure if I liked him or not. He seemed a little like one of the many “street poet” contenders at that time who “lost out” to Springsteen – Jim Carroll, Graham Parker, post-NY Dolls/pre-Buster Poindexter David Johansson, et al. His pencil mustache used to give me the willies, no pun intended. I’ll have to check him out again.

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