Oct 142007

For the coveted RTH No-Prize (redeemable after the show, once the janitorial staff has finished cleaning up), tell us who uttered these words:

In early 1983, XXX complained that you don’t see enough black artists on MTV, “not enough R&B and black music unless it’s the syrupy stuff. Where are Marvin Gaye and the rappers?” He said the best black video he’s seen was “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash, which he described as “a tough, scary, brilliant piece of hip socio-political work.” But it wasn’t shown on MTV, only on a black cable station in Detroit. “That’s not right,” XXX told Timothy White. “I want to see everything on music television from country to MOR to rap music to ethnic.”


  7 Responses to “Who Said It?”

  1. Lou Reed?

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Nope, but good guess.

  3. alexmagic

    I want it to be Seger.

  4. hrrundivbakshi

    Alexmagic wished:

    I want it to be Seger.

    The judges say:


    Pick up your No-Prize on your way out. Suitable for wrapping fish, house-training and lining the family birdcage!

  5. Bob or Pete?

  6. hrrundivbakshi

    I think you know the answer to that questionn, Shawn.

  7. alexmagic

    It’s a shame that Marvin Gaye & The Rappers never took off, they had a lot of potential.

    This quote makes me want to read more of Seger dissecting a bunch of early MTV videos, perhaps with the same depth that “Turn the Page” received in that critical analysis posted here last week. I would probably settle for a Seger-penned blog reviewing episodes of My Super Sweet 16 and that show about non-famous 15 year olds who get plastic surgery to look like somewhat more famous 15 year olds. I bet he has a lot of opinions about these things, too.

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