Dec 242009

Rolling Stone online has a look back at Top 10 lists from the 2000s.

This one has to be the one that will haunt them:

Year 2001,
#3 Mick Jagger

“There’s not a weak track on Goddess in the Doorway…”

That beats my 1995 statement that Techno/Jungle will be the new direction for classic Rock ‘n Roll artists in the 1990s (only David Bowie took me up on this).

Anyone have any words that have come back to haunt them?


  9 Responses to “Words That Come Back to Haunt”

  1. Illusionist/mentalist Uri Geller predicted that Michael Jackson’s comeback was going to be the most dramatic in show biz history. Granting that a back from the dead appearance on stage would be rather dramatic, I have to think Uri regrets making that bold prediction.

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    I once predicted that Men At Work would become as big as the Beatles.

    I was young!

  3. hrrundivbakshi

    Hey, I was expecting that video to suck, and it doesn’t!

  4. Mr. Moderator

    I once quit a low-paying job with some flexibility to take a lower-paying job with all the flexibility I was dumb enough to flex. “We’re months away from the next level,” I was heard to proclaim, the “we” being our band. Suffice to say, there would be no need for that added flexibility.

  5. Speaking of the “Next Beatles,” I once proclaimed Oasis to be the Next Beatles. I took alot of flak for it then and made passionate arguments of how it could be so. I’m glad that no one has taken me to task for my folly.

    I think I prefer Men At Work to be the Next Beatles.

    At least I never said that The New Monkees would be the new Monkees.


  6. BigSteve

    Only marginally music-related, but I predicted over and over again that goatees were a phase that would someday be used to date photos to a specific time period. Obviously I was wrong.

    The craze for tattoos also seems to have outlived its sell-by date.

  7. When I first heard Cars by Gary Neuman I exclaimed out loud something to the effect of,”Oh my God, I’ll bet this is what all music will sound like in the future.” And since I didn’t specify how far into the future, I still may be proven correct.

  8. My Dad said to my Uncle Gene in 1981:
    “Songs like ‘Time is on my side’ and ‘Beast of Burden’ are still gonna be popular in 10 years. You’re never gonna hear ‘Start Me Up’ again after a year from now!”
    While I can dig the sentiment, and he would have been right if he made that comment about ‘One Hit To The Body’ or ‘Mixed Emotions’ from subsequent albums, he missed the mark. I think the Stones might have opened their next 1000 concerts with that particular track and I’ll bet you 93.3 WMMR plays it once or twice a day.

    I walked around in 1993, boldly declaring that David Bowie, who had just released Black Tie White Noise, was back to form after the whole Tin Machine debacle. I was certain that his next 5 or 6 albums would be great. I was way off base. He never released another good album again. I never listened to that record again after that summer was over.
    I never smoked cloves or drank Zima again either.

  9. general slocum

    In the early eighties I got a Bazooka Joe comic on which the fortune said, “In ten years you will be the leader of a big band.” Tee frickin’ hee, Mort! I kept it at east until it came true.

    In the mid seventies I predicted that Billy Joel was incapable of making a song I could really enjoy, as I bent a fork with my mind.

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