Feb 032007

So a favorite figure of RTH controversy – so controversial that Mr. Mod dares not utter his name – is performing at halftime during this year’s Super Bowl. I just wanted to be sure we had as many laptops hummin’ as possible during that performance – we need to fully and finally iron out our differences on this guy, and I reckon a real-time assessment might be just what we need to come to terms.
I look forward to your comments.
Yesterday, Prince held a “press conference” at which he answered all questions about his upcoming performance with this:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=4a1AegGKjY0 (posted to Main Stage by The Back Office. Thank you Fritz.)
I can do without the Johnny B. Goode, but, man, that version of “Anotherloverholeinyohead” rocked the house! And I’ve always loved that “Get On the Boat” number from his last album.
I see he has ‘feel good’ tambourine/utility players/dancers. That’s some serious hair-whipping. I hope his entourage includes a chiropractor.
Btw have you ever seen Prince and Springsteen playing in the same room together? My theory is that they both share the same guitar, so they can never tour simultaneously.
so are these the numbers he’s playing?
I hope he flakes out and plays a suite from The Rainbow Children!
Seriously, I can see doing a newer song, but anotherloverholeinyohead, while a very cool song, is sort of obscure I would think. Seems like Purple Rain would fit nice, or dare I say it, THE LADDER.
Are you kidding BigSteve? Prince is well, THE KING, of extraneous musicians. Do you remember Jerome from The Time? Prince picked him up after the Time expired.
Diamond and Pearl?
Oh, Lord. If I *ever* hear “Purple Rain” performed by Prince again, I’ll hurl myself out a window.
No, wait — just in case he does it today (which, sadly, he probably will), let me amend that: I’ll hurl myself out a door. Christian will be here watching the Stupidbowl; he’ll be my witness. Out the front door I go! (Then I’ll hurl myself back in — it’s cold out there!)
I’m afraid tonight’s performance is going to make me resort to purple prose
Who sang the National Anthem? I missed the first few minutes and the hours leading up to them.
Billy Joel. And he Joel’d it up a bit too. Before that was some Gloria Estefan/Cirque du Soleil crap.
Are you ready for some PRINCE?
I’m scared.
Somehow I can’t imagine The Purple One playing in the rain. Unless it’s purple, I suppose.
Maybe he’ll have a feel-good umbrella holder.
Could the fake lightening be any cheesier?
Quote from Jacob: “Who is this guy? He stinks!”
He’s not wearing sensible footwear for the weather.
Lookin’ fly!
Alright! Marching band!
Jeez, the marching band. What’s next, the purple robed choir?
Always pro the intersection of rock and the marching band. Well done!
Wesley Snipes?
Christian sez: makes the Stones look like shit!
Chest toupee?
Watchtower with a doorag.
This one’s (“…Watchtower”) for Fritz!!!
The suit matches the strat!
Rockist Jim is probably retching right about now.
Gotta say at the very least, he does make the Stones look like shit.
Oh, hell. hERE i GO, OUT THE DOOR!
What’s the guitar-per-minute limit? Is he speeding?
Christian sez: “that guy knows how to perform. I could give a shit about this song, but…”
Diggin’ the shroud! Nice to see so many hot licks on live tv too. Christian’s right about this blowing the Stones away.
GREAT use of the marching band!
Girl here at the par-tay sez: that’s the bext halftime show I’ve ever seen!
Final verdict?… I enjoyed it. I actually felt a surge of positive emotion.
Love ‘im or hate ‘im that was the hottest halftime show I’ve ever seen… by far.
To me, that was Prince saying “I can do Ike & Tina, I can do Dylan OR Hendrix, I can do the popular music of today, and I can do a DAMN good me!” So impressive!
Thanks for tuning in. This bodes well for new week’s GRAMMYS Bash. Stay tuned!
By the way, that was my first post on the new RTH. Glad to be back!
Christian’s in the house!
Here’s something interesting I just learned: I went to send this first line and got a message “Can only post message every 30 seconds.”
It was a very good half-time show. Not the usual train wreck. It didn’t seem lip synced. If you go wireless, does that make it possible to play without being fried?
That 30 second time limit can be changed and thinking it should be for live events like this. I’ll set to zero when I get a chance and if that causes some sort of spam issue we can revisit.
Thank you for your attention.
The Back Office
All right, so does anyone have a rooting interest? I’m rooting for whatever team is behind. For now, Go Bears! Whatever team has the lead in the final minutes should blow it. I’m looking for maximum heartache by game’s end.
Just changed the limit to zero. This is a test.
And now.
All fixed. I’m for last minute heartbreak.
Prince might have been as good as it gets for those spectacles.
Anyone notice Sheryl Crow’s ‘Not Fade Away’ ad? Was this a Rock Misdemeanor?
Ugh, I saw that thing. Terrible, although the version of the song was not as bad as the one the Dead used to play. I still say she’s the Steve Miller of these times.
Anyone notice when Prince was playing behind the see-through billowing cloth screen, he seemed to be using the bottom horn of his guitar as a puppet show penis. Almost as good as JJ’s boob. I need to file a quick lawsuit against CBS. Major props for playing live guitar leads in a monsoon.
He not only used the guitar for that purpose but another time he used it as a devil’s tail. Kind of shocking and inappropriate in light of the strong role God played in bringing the Colts the Lombardi trophy.
Best Super Bowl halftime show in years. No lie. The competition ain’t great, of course, so I ain’t saying any more than I’m saying. But I’m still saying it.